
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2014-16-4-55-60
Pregravid preparation for women with miscarriage at cytomegalovirus infection

M.S. Rustamova

SEI Institute of Postgraduate Studies in Healthcare of the Republic of Tajikistan

The article presents the findings of a high frequency (34,9%) of cytomegalovirus infection (CMVI), identified among women with miscarriage, which is taking leading place among other types of sexually transmitted infections.

CMVI manifested as acute primary infection (6,6%), recurrent (36,9%) and chronic (56,6%) forms of the disease. The dependence of frequency and type of complications from gestational stages of CMVI, the coincidence of women bacterial microflora with abortions ones, especially placental histology in patients with CMVI were revealed. Established that pregravid preparation reduced the incidence of CMVI complications of pregnancy (by 3,2 times), labor (by 4,1 times), the reproductive loss (by 3 times) and perinatal mortality (by 7,4 times).

Keywords: cytomegalovirus infection, miscarriage, spontaneous abortion , pregravid preparation, perinatal outcomes.

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