Regenerative medicine

doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2017-19-3-292-297

A.S. Kaysinova1, Т.B. Menshikova1, A.B. Lepshokova1, N.V. Efimenko1, I.I. Gaydamaka2, N.K. Akhkubekova1, E.V. Zhukova1, S.A. Pachin3

1Federal State Budgetary Institution «Pyatigorsk State Scientific Research Institute of Balneology» of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency, Pyatigorsk, Russia
2Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Stavropol State Medical University» of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Stavropol, Russia
3Regional Sanatorium for Children with Parents «Hot Key», Pyatigorsk, Russia

Objective: To evaluate the clinical efficacy of the new technology of restorative treatment of coxarthrosis burdened with osteopenia in postmenopausal women in the dynamics of clinical and algofunctional indices.

Methods: Observations were made of 120 postmenopausal women aged 50-60 years with coxarthrosis with the concomitant osteopenic syndrome. Researchers were conducted in three representative groups: control (outpatient) received only Natekal D3; the comparison group at the sanatorium received drinking mineral water and radonotherapy; in the main group, patients received additional magnetotherapy.

Results: The dynamics of clinical and algofunctional indices testifies to the advantage of complex balneo-, magneto- and rational pharmacotherapy.

Conclusion: The expediency of health-resort treatment of coxarthrosis in combination with osteopenia in postmenopausal women with the complex application of radon, magnetic and medicament therapy was proved.

Keywords: Coxarthrosis, postmenopause, radonotherapy, magnetotherapy, algofunctional indices.

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Authors' information:

Kaysinova Agnessa Sardoevna,
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Deputy Director for Curative Work, Pyatigorsk State Scientific Research Institute of Balneology

Menshikova Tatyana Borisovna,
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Leading Researcher of the Scientific Department of the Revival Rheumatology, Pyatigorsk Clinic of the Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneology

Lepshokova Amina Borisovna,
Postgraduate student, Pyatigorsk Clinic of Pyatigorsk State Scientific Research Institute of Balneology

Efimenko Natalia Viktorovna,
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Full Professor, Director of Pyatigorsk State Scientific Research Institute of Balneology

Gaydamaka Ivan Ivanovich,
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Full Professor, Head of the Department of Manual Therapy of the Stavropol State Medical University

Akhkubekova Nelly Kaytmurzaevna,
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Senior Researcher of the Scientific Department of the Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Pyatigorsk Clinic of Pyatigorsk State Medical Research Institute of Balneology

Zhukova Elena Vasilievna,
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Head of Neurology Department, Pyatigorsk Clinic of Pyatigorsk State Scientific Research Institute of Balneology

Pachin Sergey Aleksandrovich,
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Chief Physician of the Regional Sanatorium for Children with Parents «Hot Key»

Conflicts of interest: No conflict

Address for correspondence:

Kaysinova Agnessa Sardoevna

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Deputy Director for Curative Work, Pyatigorsk State Scientific Research Institute of Balneology

357500, Russian Federation, Pyatigorsk, Kirova Ave., 30

Tel.: (+7) 879 3335766


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