Avicenna Bulletin2015 Volume17 №3 Download PDF
Surgical treatment of post-burn face scars with perioral area contracture
U.A. Kurbanov, A.A. Davlatov, S.M. Janobilova, Sh.I. Kholov
Republican Scientific Center of Cardiovascular Surgery
Chair of Surgical Diseases №2 Avicenna TSMU
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Results forecasting and choice of therapeutic tactics in generalized peritonitis
A.R. Saraev, K.M. Kurbanov, Sh.K. Polvonov, D.S. Halimov
Chair of Surgical Diseases №2 Avicenna TGMU
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Improvement of surgical care in benign tumors and tumor-like diseases of bones
A.A. Razzokov, N.F. Salimov, J.B. Ansori
Chair of Traumatology, Orthopedics and Field surgery Avicenna TSMU
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Restoration of normal anatomy of the soft palate muscle in congenital cleft
G.M. Khojamuradov, A.K. Shaimonov, F.M. Tukhtaev
Republican Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery
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Our experience of surgical treatment of juvenile angiofibroma located in the skull base
M.K. Ikromov, K.N. Azizov
State institution «National Medical Center of the Republic of Tajikistan»
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Osteosynthesis in treatment of diaphyseal fractures of long bones in children
D.S. Musoev
Chair of Traumatology and Orthopedics of the Voronezh State Medical University named after N.N. Burdenko, Russian
Khatlon Regional Hospital named after B. Vohidov, Tajikistan
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K.N. Gadzhimuradov, R.M. Asadov
Chair of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care of the Azerbaijan State Extension Course Institute for Medical Practitioners namedafter A.Aliev; Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care ofCity hospital №1, Baku
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J.A. Khojamurodova, S.S. Hairydinova, Z.R. Narzullaeva, S.I. Kosimova
SI «Tajik Research Institute of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology»
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Cervical disease in women who underwent cesarean section
M.U. Yuldosheva, M.F. Dodkhoeva, M.F. Davlyatova
Chair of Obstetrics and Gynaecology №1 Avicenna TSMU
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A.R. Kodirov, N.S. Saidov
Department of Endocrine Surgery Dushanbe City Medical Center
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Currency features of basic forms of neuroleukemia in patients with acute leukemias in Tajikistan
N.I. Mustafakulova, M.P. Ganieva, T.I. Melikova, K.Z. Urokov
Chair of Internal Medicine №3 Avicenna TSMU
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Influence of pharmacotherapy on bioelectric heart activity in patients with COPD concurrent with CHD
V.A. Abdullayev
Scientific Research Institute of Lung Diseases, Baku, Azerbaijan
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N.A. Alimova, Kh.Yo. Sharipova, H.S. Sultonov, G.M. Negmatova, R.G. Sohibov
Chair of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases; Chair of Internal Diseases №2 Avicenna TSMU
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H.R. Makhmudov, Yo.U. Saidov, R.N. Zubaidov
Chair of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases Avicenna TSMU
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M.K. Nazarova
Department of Internal Medicine №3 Avicenna TSMU
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Clinical features and main risk factors of initial form of cerebrovascular disease
R.A. Rakhmonov, M.B. Isoeva, M.J. Jalolova, T.B. Tojiddinov
Chair of Neurology and Bases of Medical Genetics Avicenna TSMU
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E.R. Rakhmonov, N.M. Khursanov, K.R. Voronetskaya, R.A. Tursunov
Chair of internal diseases №2; Chair of Infectious Diseases, Avicenna TSMU
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N.K. Akhkubekova, N.V. Efimenko
Federal State Institution «Pyatigorsk State Scientific-research Institute of Resort Study of Federal medico-biological agency» (FSBI PSSRIRS FMBA of Russia), Pyatigorsk, Russia
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