Avicenna Bulletin2013 Volume15 №4 Download PDF
New method of surgical treatment of amnioticband syndrome
U.A. Kurbanov, A.A. Davlatov, S.M. Janobilova, J.D. Jononov
Department of Reconstructive and Plastic Microsurgery RSCCVS
Chair of Surgical Diseases № 2 Avicenna TSMU
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V.V. Maslyakov, V.G. Barsukov
NSEIHPE (Non-state Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education) «Saratov Medical Institute» REAVIZ «(“Rehabilitation, Doctor and Health”)
Chair of Clinical Medicine, Saratov, Russia
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Dj.V. Kosayev, I.K. Budagov, I.L. Namazov
Scientific Center of Surgery namedafter acad. M.A.Topchubashev, Baku, Azerbaijan
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Screening of potentially living donor in kidney transplantation
S.S. Ismoilov*, S.F. Gulshanova
SI «National Research Center of transplantation of human organs and tissues» MOH RT
* Chair of General Surgery N 1 TSMU Avicenna
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Diagnostic value of neurosonography in traumatic intracranial hematoma of infants
Sh.A. Turdiboev, R.N. Berdiyev, S.A. Shoev, H.A. Giesov, Raufy Nihat
Chair of Neurosurgery Avicenna TSMU
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J.A. Abdulloev, B.A. Kholov, T.G. Chakalov, T.U. Zubaidov*
Chair of General Surgery N 2 Avicenna TSMU
* Republican Burn Center, Dushanbe
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Clinical and hematological features of acute leukemia in Tajikistan
G.B. Khojieva, M.K. Rakhmatov, J.M. Khasanov, K.Z. Urakov
Chair of Internal Medicine N 3 Avicenna TSMU
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Analysis of rheumatic diseases hospital morbidity in the Republic of Tajikistan
M.F. Abdullaev, M.F. Akhunova, Z.D. Hamroyeva, S.M. Shukurova
Chair of Internal Medicine propaedeutics Avicenna TSMU
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N.I. Mustafakulova, S.H. Nazirov, T.I. Melikova
Chair of Internal Medicine N 3 Avicenna TSMU
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S.S. Jalilov, Yu.A. Shokirov, H.H. Kurbanov*
Chair of Internal Diseases № 1
* Endosurgery Avicenna TSMU
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Effectiveness of antiviral therapy for chronic viral hepatitis «C» in HIV-infected
N.M. Gulyamova, E.R. Rakhmanov, R.A. Tursunov, V.N. Tsoi, T.M. Sharipov
Chair of Infectious Diseases Avicenna TSMU
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E.N. Mingazova, A.I. Ziatdinov
State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Kazan State Medical University, Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia» Kazan, Russia
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Features of rheumatoid arthritis in patients with reduced hemoglobin levels
S.Z. Mirzoyev, Z.A. Kholmurodova, S.M. Tulaganova, N.A. Alimova
Chair of Internal Medicine N 3 Avicenna TSMU
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Features of immune disorders in acute phase of traumatic brain injury
E.M. Mamytova
Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named afterIK Akhunbaev, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
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B.U. Salikhov, O.I. Bobohojaev, U.Yu. Sirojidinova, F.R. Sharipov
Chair of Phthisiopneumology Avicenna TSMU
National Center of Tuberculosis, Pulmonology and Thoracic Surgery
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A new approach to treatment of acute dysentery by antibiotic-pectin complex
E.R. Rakhmanov, Z.K. Muhidinov, R.S. Kimatov*, H.K. Kamardinov
Chair of Infectious Diseases Avicenna TSMU
*Institute of Chemistry named after VI Nikitin AN RT
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