Avicenna Bulletin2011 Volume133 Download PDF


Summary doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2011-13-3-19-26

Complications of rentgenoendovascular therapeutic interventions in patients older than one year with congenital heart disease

F.H. Norov, B.G. Alekyan, M.G. Pursanov

During the ten-year period (2000-2009) in the department of Rentgenological and sur-gical methods of investigations and treatment of hearts and vessels of Scientific Center of Cardio vascular surgery named after Bakulev RAMS for 2257 patients over 1 year with a variety of congenital heart disease (CHD) was carried out 2364 rentgenoendovascular medical interventions. Endovascular treatment of patients older than one year of age with CHD were relatively safe, and the frequency of complications and mortality was 2.7% and 0.13% respectively. The most frequent causes for complications were technical errors - 1.7% of cases (with mortality - 0.4%). Complications related to access, reported in 0.6%, and cardiac arrhythmias - 0.4% of cases. The high rate of complications observed in patients older than 3 years (group 2) - 2.4% with mortality of 0.2%.

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Summary doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2011-13-3-27-29

Surgical treatment of patients with focal hepatic lesions

H.S. Bebezov, B.H. Bebezov, R.A. Tursunov, N.D. Mamashev, T.M. Umetaliev

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Summary doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2011-13-3-62-64

Comparative evaluation of current methods of treatment of patients with kidney stones cups

S.H. Al-Shukri, D.N. Solihov, I.N. Nusratulloev, M.M. Kosimov, M.U. Gafurov, Sh.Sh. Shokirov

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Summary doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2011-13-3-78-80

Rehabilitation of children with congenital inherited cataract

R.S. Kholmatova, Kh.J. Karim-Zade, Z.D. Akhrorova, J.A. Toshmatov, А.P. Rakhmonov

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