Avicenna Bulletin2013 Volume15 №2 Download PDF
Surgical treatment of giant pigmentary nevuses of face
U.A. Kurbanov, A.A. Davlatov, S.M. Djanobilova, K.A. Ismoilov
Chair of surgical diseases N2 of Avicenna TSMU
Republican Scientific Center of Cardiovascular Surgery
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First experience of endovenous laser coagulation for treatment of varicose diseases in Tajikistan
A.D. Gaibov, E.L. Kalmykov, M.S. Inoyatov*
Chair of surgical diseases №2 Avicenna TSMU
*State Enterprise for Cardiovascular Surgery of Sughd region (Khujand)
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A.R. Kodirov, S.S. Yusupova
Department of Endocrine Surgery of Dushanbe Medical Center
Chair of General Surgery №2 Avicenna TSMU
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K.V. Barannikov
National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education named P.L. Shupika, Kiev, Ukraine
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Complications of complex treatment of early breast cancer
D.Z. Zikiryahodjaev, O.K. Stelmach*, A.D. Zikiryahodjaev*, G. Wahid, I.V Anokhina
Republican Cancer Research Center of Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tajikistan
*Russian Cancer Research Center named N.N. Blochin RAMS
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Morphological and ultrastructural features of epithelial-mesenchymal transformation in breast cancer
M.V. Mnihovich
FSBI «Scientific Research Institute of Human Morphology,» Russian Academy of Medical Sciences
SBEI HPE «Russian National Research Medical University named N.I Pirogov «Russian Ministry of Health, Moscow, Russia
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M.P. Batygin, A.K. Fayzulin, T.M. Glybina
Chair of Pediatric Surgery of Moscow State Medical and Dental University
Izmailov Children’s Hospital, Moscow, Russia
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Quality of life in patients after the conventional and retroperitoneoscopic nephrectomy
Z.A. Kadyrov, I.K. Sultanov, A.Y. Odilov*, I.N. Nusratulloev *, H.S. Ishonakov **
Chair of endoscopic urology of faculty training health workers of the Russian University of Peoples’ Friendship
* RCC «Urology» MoH RT
** Department of Urology and Andrology TIPMT
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Processes of lipid peroxidation and antioxidant protection in pregnant women with diabetes
S.I. Nazarova, T.V. Atadjanov
SI Tajik State Scientific Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology
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M.F. Davlatova, N.V. Vafoeva
Chair of Obstetrics and Gynecology N1 of Avicenna TSMU
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The wing-shaped anomaly of the lower extremities (Genu Flexum Congenitum)
S.M. Djanobilova, U.A. Kurbanov, A.A. Davlatov, Sh.I. Holov
Republican Scientific Center of Cardiovascular Surgery
Chair of Surgical diseases N2 of Avicenna TSMU
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