Literature Reviews

doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2018-20-1-103-112

Kh.S. Mukhammadieva1, A.D. Gaibov2, A.K. Baratov1, E.L. Kalmykov3, O. Nematzoda1, D.A. Rahmonov

1Republican Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery, Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan
2Department of Surgical Diseases № 2, Avicenna Tajik State Medical University, Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan
3Division of Science and Innovation, Avicenna Tajik State Medical University, Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan

Objective: The article analyzed the possibilities of hybrid and endovascular operations in the treatment of patients with chronic ischemia of the lower limbs. The analysis of the literature shows that at the present stage these interventions are being applied more and more often, often being an alternative to traditional operations. Most researchers have proven that when performing hybrid and endovascular operations, a low incidence of cardiovascular events and infectious complications is noted, and in most cases, it is possible to save the limb. However, the effectiveness of this or that method of treating peripheral artery disease of the lower limbs depends both on the degree of limb ischemia and anatomical level of the lesion where performed revascularization. To date, the literature on this issue does not have a definitive answer regarding the priority in choosing the method of revascularization of the limb. This is primarily due to the type of arterial lesion, the level of occlusion or stenosis, and the presence of severe comorbid status, the experience of the surgeon and the technical equipment of the clinic.

Keywords: Atherosclerosis , lower limb ischemia , hybrid operations, angioplasty, stenting , amputation .

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Authors' information:

Mukhammadieva Khotira Sukhrobdzhanovna,
Postgraduate Student of the Republican Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery

Gaibov Alidjon Djuraevich,
Corresponding Member of Academy of Medical Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Full Professor, Professor of the Department of Surgical Diseases № 2, Avicenna Tajik State Medical University

Baratov Alisher Kenjaevich,
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Endovascular Surgeon, Republican Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery

Kalmykov Egan Leonidovich,
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Research Fellow, Division of Science and Innovation, Avicenna Tajik State Medical University

Nematzoda Okildjon,
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Leading Researcher of the Republican Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery

Rahmonov Dzhamakhon Ahmedovich,
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Director of the Republican Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery

Conflicts of interest: No conflict

Address for correspondence:

Nematzoda Okildjon

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Leading Researcher of the Republican Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery

734003, Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, str. Sanoi, 33

Tel.: (+992) 915 250055


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