
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2018-20-2-3-287-292

L.I. Sytina, G.M. Abdylaeva, M.D. Abdiev

National Center for Phthisiology, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic

Objective: To study the incidence of tuberculosis (TB) among employees of medical organizations (EMO) of the Kyrgyz Republic (KR) in 2015-2017.

Methods: The analysis is subject to the state reporting forms № 17 "On medical personnel" and № 8 "About diseases with active tuberculosis" for 2015-2017, the electronic database of new cases of TB in EMO in 2015-2017. The data processing was used the SPSS-16.

Results: Morbidity rates of TB in EMO in the KR in 2015 and 2016 years exceeded the epidemic dangerous threshold for TB (50.0 per 100,000 people) by 37.4% and 13.4%, respectively. The incidence of TB in the EMO of the tuberculosis-care service in 2015 was 3.3 times higher than that of the EMO of the general treatment network, and in 2016 – 1.5 times. More commonly infected with TB the EMO, professionally closely contacting patients in the provision of medical care or in the care of them, or working in epidemically dysfunctional regions. The highest rates of TB morbidity were registered in Osh (2015 – 123.5, 2016 – 125.0 and 2017 – 92.6 per 100 thousand EMOs, respectively).

Conclusion: The high rate of TB morbidity among RMS is due to: the unfavorable situation of TB in the Kyrgyz Republic, the high degree of risk of infection in the performance of their professional duties and the lack of adequate levels of alertness among employees, the insufficient level of their TB awareness, errors in compliance with the rules of infectious control regulations in medical organizations.

Keywords: Tuberculosis, morbidity, employees of medical organizations.

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Authors' information:

Sytina Lidia Ivanovna,
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Leading Researcher of the Department of Scientific and Medical Information of the National Center for Phthisiology

Abdylaeva Gulayim Murzaevna,
Head of the Outpatient and Diagnostic Department of the National Center for Phthisiology

Abdiev Marat Dzhumadylovich,
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Deputy Director for Science, National Center for Phthisiology

Conflicts of interest: No conflict

Address for correspondence:

Sytina Lidia Ivanovna

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Leading Researcher of the Department of Scientific and Medical Information of the National Center for Phthisiology

720020, Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek, Akhunbaev str., 90a

Tel.: (+996) 559 339940


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