Literature Reviews

doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2021-23-2-280-290

L.M. Masyagutova1, E.R. Abdrakhmanova1,2, E.F. Gabdulvaleeva1, V.A. Perminova2

1Ufa Research Institute of Occupational Health and Human Ecology, Ufa, Russian Federation
2Bashkir State Medical University, Ufa, Russian Federation

Presently, occupational and work-related diseases make up a significant share of disability and mortality causes among the working-age population. However, to a greater extent, this is linked with the peculiarities of production rather than injuries at the workplace. In contemporary Russia, the significance of the problem is highlighted by the fact that up to 70% of metallurgical enterprises are the principal employer and mainstay of an entire town for the bulk of the employable population.

Objective: To analyze bibliographic databases that provide information on peculiarities of health conditions, the state of the body’s organs, and systems affected by harmful production factors in employees of metallurgical enterprises.

Methods: A systematic literature review that addresses the specific topic was carried out using various available sources, including electronic databases of published data such as PubMed, WHO, EU health databases as well as free online resources.

Results: A literature review has shown that harmful factors that contribute to occupational health hazards in metallurgical plant workers affect the body as a whole. Along with hard physical work, they cause overloading of organ systems, resulting in multiple organs and systems dysfunctioning. It has been established that the most frequently affected are upper respiratory tract, musculoskeletal, endocrine, genitourinary, immune systems. Also, target organs include the skin, hearing organ, and the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, occupational hazards must be considered when carrying out preventive measures, developing hygienic standards to improve working conditions reducing the risks of developing occupational diseases, and improving the quality of life.

Keywords: Workers of metallurgical production, morbidity, occupational risk, occupational diseases, occupational diseases.

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Authors' information:

Masyagutova Lyailya Marselevna
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Chief Researcher of the Department of Occupational Medicine, Ufa Research Institute of Occupational Medicine and Human Ecology
Researcher ID: AAK-5979-2021
Scopus ID: 55819660900
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0195-8862
SPIN: 5318-8318
Author ID: 158947

Abdrakhmanova Elena Rafilovna
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Therapy and Occupational Diseases, Bashkir State Medical University; Allergist of the Consultative and Polyclinic Department, Clinic of Ufa Research Institute of Occupational Medicine and Human Ecology
Researcher ID: AAL-1970-2021
Scopus ID: 57212880793
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2763-1358
SPIN: 9138-0313
Author ID: 721284

Gabdulvaleeva Elvira Fanisovna
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Head of the Neurological and Occupational Pathology Department, Clinic of Ufa Research Institute of Occupational Medicine and Human Ecology
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3371-5590
SPIN: 8359-8324
Author ID: 965705

Perminova Victoria Aleksandrovna
4th year Student of the Faculty of Medicine, Bashkir State Medical University
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0238-1201
SPIN: 4226-1938
Author ID: 1106072

Information about support in the form of grants, equipment, medications

The work was carried out according to the plan of scientific research works of Ufa Research Institute of Occupational Medicine and Human Ecology “Improvement of methodological approaches to the system of medical supervision and substantiation of a complex of diagnostic and treatment-and-prophylactic measures to preserve the health of workers in the main sectors of the economy”. The authors did not receive financial support from companies manufacturing medications and medical equipment

Conflicts of interest: No conflict

Address for correspondence:

Masyagutova Lyailya Marselevna
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Chief Researcher of the Department of Occupational Medicine, Ufa Research Institute of Occupational Medicine and Human Ecology

450106, Russian Federation, Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa, 94 Stepana Kuvykina str.

Tel.: +7 (937) 3604922
