ISSN 2074-0581
Avicenna Bulletin
A quarterly publication
Established in 1999
Edition of Avicenna Tajik State Medical University
The decision of the Presidium of Higher Attestation Commission (HAC) of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, journal «Avicenna Bulletin» («Vestnik Avitsenny») included in the List of leading reviewed scientific journals recommended by the HAC for the publication of basic scientific results of dissertations on competition of scientific degrees of doctors and candidates of sciences (No. 22/17 dated in 23 of May 2003 and again from 1st of December 2015)
The journal is presented in the Russian Scientific Citation Index, Science Index
The journal is registered by the Ministry of Culture of Tajikistan (the Certificate on registration No 464 from 5.01.1999). Reregistered in 12.11.2018, № 084/МЧ-97