
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2013-15-2-62-65
Doppler and morphological parallels in assessing of fetoplacental complex in pregnant woman with uterine scar after cesarean section

M.F. Davlatova, N.V. Vafoeva

Chair of Obstetrics and Gynecology N1 of Avicenna TSMU

This paper presents the results of research blood circulation condition in the system «mother-placentafetus» in 24 pregnant women with uterine scar, and 32 placentas of puerperants - with uterine scar. The study of blood circulation in the vessels of fetoplacental complex is shown that most common in pregnant women with a uterine scar the disorders of blood circulation were detected in uteroplacental blood flow regio (41.7%), in 2.5 times less likely they met in fetus- placental - 16.7 % and in 8.3% of the cases were observed their combination. Pathologic study of placentas is revealed that most frequent and profound morphological features of involutorily-degenerative processes in chorionic villi were epithelial dystrophy of villus - 56.3%, sclerosis of the stroma - 68.8% and atrophy of syncytium - 93.8%, which reached the highest value.

Keywords: cesarean section, scar on the uterus.

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