
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2018-20-2-3-305-308

B.P. Sharipov1, D.M. Yusupdzhanova1, U.Yu. Sirodjidinova2, D.M. Ibragimova1

1Republican Center for Protection of Population from Tuberculosis, Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan
2Department of Phthisiopulmonology of the Avicenna Tajik State Medical University, Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan

Objective: To study the influence of new methods of diagnostics on the timeliness of the diagnosis verification for tuberculosis meningitis.

Methods: 33 case histories of children were studied at aged 4-17 years with tuberculous meningitis who were hospitalized at the Children's Tuberculosis Hospital in Dushanbe from 2009 to 2017 years. The boys were 22 (66%), girls – 11 (34%); of the villagers – 24 (70.3%), the city – 11 (29.7%).

Results: All sick children were identified by treatment in the first two weeks from the onset of the disease, with expressed clinical symptoms of meningitis. 16 (48.4%) of children were from foci of tuberculosis infection. In 23 (70%) children, there was no scar after vaccination with BCG. X-ray findings: all had local tuberculosis of the lungs, including 20 cases of miliary tuberculosis. Of the 20 patients with miliary tuberculosis, 6 (33.3%) had positive MTB in the sputum, 8 of the examined MTB were not microscopically detected in the liquor. When studying by molecular genetic method on XpertMTB/RIF, 9 (45%) of 20 patients were found in the sputum, and 4 (50%) of 8 examined in MTB were found in liquor. Of 4 MTB liquor positive, two were stable and two were sensitive to rifampicin.

Conclusion: The molecular-genetic method of XpertMTB/RIF promotes an accelerated method of verifying the diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis.

Keywords: Tuberculous meningitis, express diagnostics, XpertMTB/RIF.

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Authors' information:

Sharipov Bobodzhon Pirmakhmadovich,
Deputy Director of the Republican Center for the Protection of the Population from Tuberculosis

Yusupdzhanova Dzhema Mukhamedzhanovna,
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Phthisiatrician, Republican Center for the Protection of the Population from Tuberculosis

Sirodjidinova Umrniso Yusupovna,
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Full Professor, Professor of the Department of Phthisiopulmonology, Avicenna Tajik State Medical University

Ibragimova Dilfuza Makhmadovna,
Phthisiatrician, Republican Center for the Protection of the Population from Tuberculosis

Conflicts of interest: No conflict

Address for correspondence:

Sharipov Bobodzhon Pirmakhmadovich

Deputy of the Republican Center for the Protection of the Population from Tuberculosis

734025, Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, Bukhoro str., 53

Tel.: (+992) 900 007444


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