
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2017-19-1-85-89

S.T. Ibodov1, А.А. Аbduazizov2, S.G. Аli-Zade1

1Avicenna Тajik State Medical University, Dushanbe, Tajikistan
2Khujand Central Health Centre, Khujand, Tajikistan

Objective: To study organization of medical aids in trauma of locomotorium in condition of large-scale amalgamations – polyclinic institutions.

Methods: Analysis of the results of treatment of 910 patients, who received the medical rehabilition in the outpatient clinics of Khujand, Chkalovsk, Kairakkum cities, and B. Gafurovskiy District during 2012-2014 years. Locomotorium traumas were received in production, in everyday life, en route or as a result of traffic accidents.

Results: After removal of immobilizing boards, wound repair, adhesion of chorda, vessels and nerves, patients received comprehensive rehabilitation in the department of medical rehabilition in no later 3-4 days, thus ensuring compliance with the main organizational principles of rehabilitation (early start, continuity and consistency in conducting, comprehensiveness, individuality, continuity). By significant increase of medical and social effectiveness of the outpatient stage of rehabilitation, and in 63.6±2.8% of cases of rehabilitation completed with full functional recovery of the organism function and restoration of orthopedic injuries, 31.8±1.8% – in significant improvement, and in 90.2% cases patients returned to their previous work.

Conclusion: Rational organization of comprehensive rehabilitation of trauma patients with musculosceletal disorders in polyclinic framed as a single rehabilitation system improves,which its quality, reduces the period of temporary disability and economic losses in the national economy.

Keywords: Medical rehabilitation, locomotorium.

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Authors' information:

Ibodov Saidmukim Tilloevich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Full Professor, Professor of the Department of Anatomy at Avicenna Tajik State Medical University

Abduazizov Abduvali Abduazizovich, physician at Khujand Central Polyclinic

Ali-Zade Suhrob Gaffarovich, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Senior Researcher of the Department of Science at Avicenna Tajik State Medical University

Conflicts of interest: No conflict

Address for correspondence:

Ali-Zade Suhrob Gaffarovich

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Senior Researcher of the Department of Science at Avicenna Tajik State Medical University

734003, Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, Rudaki Avenue, 139

Tel.: (+992) 928 217755


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