
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2010-12-3-109-114
Preliminary survey outcomes of the impact of health financing reforms on several indicators of PHC facilities activity in pilot regions of Tajikistan

F.Q. Egamov, S.R. Miraliev, З.Yu. Bobokhojaeva, B. Mathivet, А.A.Safarov

The health financing strategy of the Republic of Tajikistan on 2005 – 2015 years was accepted the Governmental Regulation №171 of 10.05.05 and aimed at systematic reform: some key health aspects change, medical facilities costs compensation, health resource uniform distribution support, implementation of the diseases prevention, promotion and education of population on health preservation and promotion questions.

The survey outcomes display that the introduction of PHC financial reform, including per capita financing in pilot regions positively impacted the organization, management and service delivery of region PHC facilities. Besides, in comparison with control regions there is an increase of PHC budget from the total health budget in pilot regions, which promotes the quality of provided services in these facilities.

Keywords: Health financing reform, per capita financing, state budget of PHC facilities.

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