
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2011-13-3-75-77
Features of changes of fetoplacental endocrine function and central hemodynamics in pregnant women at preeclampsia

T.V. Atadjanov, G.S. Navjuvanova, D.M. Gulakova, N.A. Rustamov

Investigation of 80 women, as the worsening of the severity of hypertensive complications of pregnancy, significant violations in findings of endocrine function of fetoplacental complex, characterized by a decrease in progesterone, estradiol and placental lactogen was found. In addition, such parameters of central hemodynamics, as minute and stroke volume of blood is reduced, and total peripheral vascular resistance increased.

Keywords: preeclampsia, fetoplacental complex , gestational hypertension, central hemodynamics.

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