
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2011-13-3-102-108
Apply of the regulating thermography in diagnostic patients with chronic pancreatitis in acute stage and for therapy control

Z.H. Mahramov, V.V. Kiryanova, V.F.Fedorovsky

The work is dedicated to use of regulating thermography (RTG) in diagnostic of patients with chronic pancreatitis in acute stage and for therapy control process. During of regulating thermography in area Pa1, Pa2 of pancreas was revealed: at 70,3% cases of hyper regulation which is showed the inflammation process in pancreas, at 20,5% cases we have observed hard thermography, which is showed fibrous changes in pancreas. At 10,2% cases we have observed paradoxical meaning, which is revealed the cysts in pancreas that confirmed by US and MRT.

Noninvasive methods of RTG are high informative, exact and reproductively, as it bases on anatomical and physiological peculiarities of organism. RTG is shows the foci of pathology and contribute to determine the therapeutics strategy

Keywords: regulating thermography, chronic pancreatitis.

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