
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2012-14-2-37-40
Pathogenetic treatment of roux-stasis syndrome

I.A. Sattorov, K.M. Kurbonov, A.F. Nazarov

Results of treatment 74 patients with atypical duodenal ulcers, post-resection and postvagotomy syndromes were analyzed. It is proved that the clinical manifestation of Roux-stasis syndrome depends on the severity of the motor-evacuation syndromes caused by obstruction of small intestine Roux-loop. In motor function regulation of the small intestine are important APUD (Amines Precursor Uptake Decarboxylation) cells of mucous membrane that produce serotonin. The severity of Roux-stasis syndrome depends on the level of substance in the mucous Roux-loop, reducing the contents of which negatively affects her motor function. The range of conservative therapy Roux stasis syndrome, it is expedient to include serotonin adipate, which restores the motor-evacuation function of Rouxloop.

Keywords: Roux-stasis syndrome, serotonin adipate, motor-evacuation disturbance, Roux-loop of small intestine.

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