
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2012-14-2-121-125
Prognostic significance of skin manifestations and early hematological parameters in various forms of leukemia

N.I. Mustafakulova, O.D. Rakhmonova, D.D. Djamilov

In this article the prognostic significance of early cutaneous manifestations and hematological parameters in various forms of leukemia analyzed. The forerunners of all forms of leukemia were: malaise, fatigue in all patients, a sore throat, slight enlargement of lymph nodes, pains in bones, lowgrade fever.

Cutaneous lesions in leukemia are varied clinically and manifest as hemorrhagic lesions and various dermatoses, erythroderma and itching (such as prurigo, eczema, dermatitis herpetiformis, the usual bubbly and shingles). Basophilia, monocytosis, eosinophilia, neutrophil left shift, relative lymphocytosis, a slight leukocytosis are early hematological indices in leukemia.

Timely diagnosis and treatment lead to a complete hematologic remission and restoring normal physiological regeneration of the blood.

Keywords: leukemia, skin lesions , hematological indices, myelogram, a hemorrhagic syndrome.

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