
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2012-14-3-145-149
Epidemiology of herpes zoster in Dushanbe

M.S. Isayeva, M.T. Mirzoyeva

Chair of Dermatology and Venereology Avicenna TSMU

The article presents the results of epidemiological study of herpes zoster in Dushanbe, from 2000 to 2011. Gathering information is applied methods of direct observation (case management) and in-copy (working with current and historical medical records) herpes zoster was found in 1925 patients. In recent years ta significant increase in morbidity, particularly in older age groups (68.9%) was revealed. Men were sick more often than women (54.4% vs. 45.6%). The disease is most often recorded in winter, early spring and fall, at least - in summer. The main reasons for increasing incidence are the social and biomedical factors.

Keywords: herpes, herpes zoster, herpes infection.

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