
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2012-14-3-43-48
Functional hernioplasty in oblique inguinal hernia

S.S. Ismailov, A.R. Dostiev, N.K. Khabibov, S.F. Gulshanova

Chair of General Surgery №1 Avicenna TSMU

Analysis of hernioplasty in treatment of inguinal hernia in 160 patients was presented in article.

In a clinical comparison groups included patients operated using the methods Bassini (n=44) and Sholdais (n=38). Study group included 78 (48.8%) patients who were operated by proposed by the authors method.

The proposed method allows for reducing the frequency of relapses and complications by strengthening the internal inguinal ring and layering inguinal canal wall reconstruction, and its introduction into surgical practice improves the short-and long-term results.

Keywords: functional hernioplasty, oblique inguinal hernia, hernia repair.

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