
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2012-14-3-172-177
Gestational process and diseases of biliary tract

M.F. Dodhoeva, Z. Abdusamatova, S.G. Mirodzhova*

Chair of Obstetrics and Gynaecology №1 Avicenna TSMU
*Research Institute of Gastroenterology AMS MH RT

The review of literature presented findings on influence of biliary tract disease on gestational process, features of some pregnancy complications, the possible ways of its prevention and treatment, as well as the impact of pregnancy and childbirth on biliary tract disease.

Pregnancy and childbirth are often proceedwiyh complications due to extragenital diseases, among which the first place is occupied digestive system diseases. One of the leaders position in pregnant women is occupied disease of biliary system, the proportion of which is from 3% to 5%. They also lead to high incidence of postpartum septic complications and maternal deaths.

The authors, summarizing the literature, accentuate the need to research in view of uncertainties aspects of this problem in our region.

Keywords: pregnancy, biliary tract disease, gestational process.

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