

doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2012-14-3-68-72
Modern approaches to feminizing plastic in congenital malformations of external genitalia in girls with congenital adrenal hyperplasia

M.P. Batygin, A.K. Fayzulin, M.M. Kolesnichenko, T.M. Glybina

Chair of Pediatric Surgery, Moscow State Medical and Dental University
Izmail pediatric Clinical Hospital, Moscow, Russia

Analysis the results of surgical treatment of congenital external genitalia in 74 patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia was carried out.

The authors proposes the improving methods of introitoplasty using M-shaped skin flap by dividing the urinary and genital tract and preserve clitoral glans on neurovascular bundle.

The proposed method reduced the number of complications. After the procedure with preservation of the head’s ventral surface complications was 7.1% , while after total clitorectomy - 16.4%.

The authors recommend to use as a suture material for urethroplasty PDS 7/0, which reduces trauma and improves tissue adaptation. To prevent the urethral fistula formation, also is requested to perform urethroplasty using a continuous returning suture.

Keywords: introitoplasty by M-shaped skin flap, orthotopic urethra , clitorectomy, congenital external genitalia in girls, congenital adrenal hyperplasia.

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