
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2012-14-4-131-136
Dynamic of blood serum tesiographicfic picture in patients with rheumatoid arthritis with ozone / NO-low-frequency ultrasonic method of treatment

E.A. Shuasheva

South Kazakhstan State Pharmaceutical Academy, Kazakhstan

The parameters of tesiographic blood picture in patients with rheumatoid arthritis in dynamics of treatment with ozone / NO-low-frequency ultrasound treatment were studied. Tesiographic picture of blood plasma in patients with rheumatoid arthritis studied before treatment, indicating the presence of large number of protein complexes that disrupt the normal architecture of facies, which is a consequence of proliferating inflammation indicating for rheumatoid disease.

After systemic ozone / NO-low-frequency ultrasonic sanitation of the tonsils in patients with rheumatoid arthritis decrease of amorphous zones in blood picture as compared to its condition before the treatment was marked. The number of nodules in intermediate zone close to the control indicators.

The results confirm the effectiveness of ozone / NO-low-frequency ultrasound treatment of the tonsils in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and can use it in a set of preventive and rehabilitation measures.

Keywords: tesiography, ozone / NO-low-frequency ultrasound, rheumatoid arthritis.

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