
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2012-14-4-163-168
Medical and social significance of rheumatic diseases

S.M. Shukurova, M.F. Abdulloev, G.N. Karimova, Kh.K. Toirov

Chair of Propaedeutics Internal diseases Avicenna TSMU

The data of literature devoting to disability, quality of life, survival, and costs of treatment of patients with rheumatic diseases were presented. Continuously increasing interest in diseases of musculoskeletal system, the significant spread of rheumatic diseases, high temporal and permanent disability determined a large social significance of this pathology. Expanding our knowledge in medical and social importance of rheumatic diseases will contribute to development of recommendations for reducing of morbidity in interaction of all concerned parties.

Keywords: rheumatic disease, disability.

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