
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2012-14-4-71-76
Reconstructive surgery in children with mega-dolicho-ureterohydronephrosis in ureteric ostium dystopia into urinary bladder diverticula

F.H. Safedov, A.A. Azizov

Chair of Pediatric Surgery Avicenna TSMU

A characteristic features of operation neocystoureteroanastomosis with autoureteroureteroduplication of distal ureteral segment in case of ureteric ostium dystopia into bladder diverticulum, complicated by mega-dolicho-ureterohydronephrosis are wide access, gentle handling with tissues in mobilization of bladder and urethra, conduction of prepared distal ureter into demucosated diverticular modified cystic segment of ureter with its modeling on a 3-4cm distance, acting as antireflux sphincter, as well as reinnervation and revascularisation of ureter. Performed operations allowed decreasing the complication rate from 20% to 2%.

Keywords: diverticulum of the bladder, ureter dystopia, mega-dolicho ureterohydronephrosis, autoureteroureteroduplication.

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