
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2012-14-4-77-80
Results of ultrasound examination of thyroid parenchyma

Sh.Y. Yusupova, R.A. Zokirov, A.A. Abdurozikov, M.O. Okilov

Chair of General Surgery №2 Avicenna TSMU

The results of dynamic ultrasound monitoring of remaining thyroid parenchyma in 56 patients operated for various forms of goiter were analysed.

According to ultrasound four types of changes in remaining tissue volume of the thyroid gland were identified. Hypertrophic type was detected in 8 (14.2%) patients, while 2 of them underwent a repeat surgery due to node recurrence; normal type was observed in 42 (75%) patients. In 4 (7.1%) patients an ultrasound picture of hypotrophic type of thyroid remnant, and in 2 (3.5%) - atrophic type was detected.

In assessing the level of thyroid hormones was found a clear dependence to the size of thyroid remnant. The decrease of thyroid hormone is directly proportional to the volume of the thyroid remnant.

Dynamic ultrasound examination for thyroid remnant during the dispensary observation of patients enables to assess the condition of thyroid gland tissue.

Keywords: goiter, thyroid gland, ultrasound, thyroid hormones , thyroid parenchyma.

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