
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2012-14-4-159-162
Structural and functional characteristics of rat liver under microwave irradiation

K.K. Kaiyrbekova, A.V. Kurkin

Karaganda State Medical University, Kazakhstan

For assessing the structural and functional changes in liver under microwave irradiation of different intensity, the features of hepatocytes reaction in 54 white outbread male rats were analysed.

The material was divided into 3 groups. The first were intact animals, the second - the rats irradiated with energy density 6 mW/cm2  (nonthermal range), the third - the rats irradiated with energy density 24 mW/cm2 (thermal range).

Found that structural and functional changes in liver cells depend on density and duration of microwave irradiation. Irradiation in thermal range in the initial period synthetic activity of hepatocytes increases, then decreases, develops hydropic degeneration of cells. Irradiation in non-thermal range cell hypertrophy is observed and nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio is increased.

Keywords: liver, microwave irradiation, morphologic densitometry.

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