
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2012-14-4-169-176
Videoendoscopic methods of nephrectomy in benign kidney disease

A.Yu. Odilov, Z.A. Kadyrov*, I.K. Sultanov*, I.N. Nusratulloev, H.S. Ishonakov**

Republican Clinical Center «Urology» MH RT
* Russian University of Peoples’ Friendship, Chair of endoscopic urology, Advanced training faculty of health workers
** Tajik Institute of postgraduate medical training, Department of Urology and Andrology

The review of literature presents different methods of nephrectomy for benign kidney diseases, including traditional open surgery and also laparoscopic and retroperitoneal endoscopic accesses. The retroperitoneal endoscopic nephrectomy is effective, safe and minimally invasive method due to minimal trauma, visibility and easy of handling compared to open surgery. Retroperitoneal endoscopic nephrectomy may be the method of choice and an alternative to traditional open nephrectomy for benign kidney diseases.

Keywords: open nephrectomy, laparoscopic nephrectomy, retroperitoneal endoscopic nephrectomy and nephroureterectomy.

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