
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2013-15-1-105-109
Clinical and immunological features of hemorrhagic vasculitis in children

K.I. Ismailov, F.A. Muhammadnabieva

Chair of Pediatric Diseases №2 Avicenna TSMU

This work shows the results of clinical immunological studies of 50 children with hemorrhagic vasculitis, 27 boys (54%), 23girls (46%). Depending on clinical form of hemorrhagic vasculitis children were divided into four groups. The first group included 14 (28%) children with skin form, the second - 11 (22%) with skin-articular form of disease, and third group was represented by 13 (26%) children with abdominal form, and 12 (24%) patients with skin and kidney form of pathological process.

Receiving results show significant deviations of immune system in children depending on the clinical form of hemorrhagic vasculitis. In all cases observed imbalance of T-level subpopulation of immune cells with an increase in ratio of CD4 lymphocyte immune-phenotype (47.1 - 50.6%) and in the opposite - a decrease of similar cells with CD8 markers (17.1 - 20.3%). Imbalance in ratio SD4/SD8 (more than 2.01) was noted, which was more evident in renal and skin and joints kinds with relapsing currency. In addition, hyperreactivity of B-cells with growing lymphocytes with markers SD20, increased production of IgA and IgG with the formation of circulating immune complexes.

Keywords: skin syndrome, hemorrhagic vasculitis, joint syndrome, renal syndrome, immune status.

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