
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2013-15-1-28-32
Effect of indirect electrochemical oxidation on blood toxicity in patients with toxic stage of peritonitis due pankreatic necrosis

Z.A. Dostieva, A.M. Muradov, O.V. Shumilina

Chair of Efferent Medicine and Intensive Care of TIPMT

Sodium hypochlorite 0.06% concentration is a powerful oxidant toxic blood compo-nents, especially amphiphilic, hydrophilic and hydrophobic metabolites are primarily in low-and medium weight of toxic fractions, and lipid structure of cell membranes, as a result of changes in their permeability and mode of operation of K-, Na-, ATF-pump. Its use in patients in the toxic phase of peritonitis caused pancreatic necrosis, after 6 hours signifi-cantly reduces the indicators of endotoxemia and improves detoxification lung function, especially after repeated use.

Keywords: pancreatitis, pancreatic necrosis, peritonitis, endotoxicosis, endotoxins, indirect electrochemical oxidation of blood.

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