
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2013-15-1-60-64
Impact of key dysfunction on the acute period of polytrauma

K.H. Sirodzhov, A.M. Muradov, B.O. Ashurov, Sh.M Akhmedov

Chair of Traumatology and Orthopedics TIPGMT

Studying the metabolic activity of the brain (blood coagulation parameters, rheology and electrolyte metabolism) by testing jugular venous blood in 47 patients with associated traumatic brain injury a correlation of these indicators on the severity of injury was revealed. The analysis of electrolyte metabolism indicators according to severity of injury is noted Na+ retention in erythrocytes and Na+ plasma of brain tissue, the lungs, which causes the development of interstitial edema.

A complex of conservative and surgical treatment in acute period reduced the proportion of complications in the first group patients by 7.3% (which tested the jugular vein blood on hemocoagulation, rheology and electrolyte metabolism, treatment strategy based orthopedic damage control), poor outcomes - 4.8% and bed days - an average of 6.1 compared to identical rates in patients of the second group (which were used well-known methods of diagnosis and treatment the components of combined injury).

Keywords: polytrauma , concomitant traumatic brain injury, metabolism, hemocoagulation, venous blood.

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