

doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2013-15-3-65-68
Complex diagnosis of antiphospholipid syndrome

F.T. Khalimova*, E.V. Malysheva, F.A. Shukurov*, A.V Gulin

*Avicenna TSMU
State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Lipetsk State Pedagogical University», Russia

Comprehensive diagnosis of the antiphospholipid syndromeshould be based on the immunological determination of antibody titers to the negatively charged phospholipids (cardiolipin, phosphatidyl serine, phosphatidyl inositol, phosphatidic acid).

At the same time must be determined lupous-type anticoagulant in serum. From the screening tests, the following are available: lupus-sensitive APTT (activated partial thromboplastin time) (BA+) and prothrombin test with dilute poison of lebetina viper (lebetox).

Defining a single of these parameters cannot be considered reliable for diagnosis. Level IgG - antiphospholipidantibodies in serum of women with a compromised obstetric history was significantly higher (p<0,001) in comparison with the control group and was 12,7±1,3 U / ml. Detected significant positive correlation between the levels of IgG – antiphospholipidantibodies and middle level NR in serum of blood (r=0,56; p<0,01). The average clotting time for lebetox test of the studying group was significantly (p<0,001) more than in the control group and was 3,17±0,26 seconds. There was a positive correlation between IgG – antiphospholipidantibodies and the clotting time for lebetox test (r=0,43 at p<0,01).

Keywords: Defining a single of these parameters cannot be considered reliable for diagnosis. Level IgG - antiphospholipidantibodies in serum of women with a compromised obstetric history was significantly higher (p<0,001) in comparison with the control group and was 12,7±1,3 U / ml. Detected significant positive correlation between the levels of IgG – antiphospholipidantibodies and middle level NR in serum of blood (r=0,56; p<0,01). The average clotting time for lebetox test of the studying group was significantly (p<0,001) more than in the control group and was 3,17±0,26 seconds. There was a positive correlation between IgG – antiphospholipidantibodies and the clotting time for lebetox test (r=0,43 at p<0,01). , antiphospholipid antibodies, burdened obstetric history.

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