
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2013-14-4-130-135
Diagnostic aspects of halitometricresearch in dental patients

D.B. Jumaboev, S.M. Karimov

Chair of Therapeutic Stomatology Tajik Institute of postgraduate medical training

Analysis of literature determined that the lack of dental practice standards for diagnosis of halitosis causes that patients complainingon bad breathe, sometimes can not get adequate medical and preventive recommendations. In this regard, the improvement of the haliometric issuesstudy increases the efficiency of implementation program prevention of dental caries and periodontal disease. The fundamental point that allows to solve the problem of halitosis diagnosis is a method of quantitative and qualitative determination of volatile sulfur compounds.

Keywords: halitosis, ozostomiya, sulfur compound, coated tounge, dental caries, periodontal diseases.

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