
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2014-16-2-117-122
Clinical and immunological features of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura course in children

K.I. Ismailov, F.A. Muhammadnabieva

Chair of Children’s Diseases № 2 Avicenna TSMU

In this article presents the results of a clinical and immunological study of 70 children with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) at the age from 1 month to 14 years. The children were divided into 2 groups depending on the course and clinical forms: Group I (n=43) with acute course; Group II (n=27) - with a chronic course. The dry form of the disease was the most common clinical variant and observed in - 72% of the patients, the wet form was registered in - 28% of children. In dry form only skin-hemorrhagic syndrometook place, and in wet form bleeding of different localizationis observed. In 92% patients marked cutaneous hemorrhagic syndrome was observed; petechiae were present in all children, and ecchymosis - 76%. Petechiae on the face occurred in 84% of cases, ecchymosis on the face - 40%. Hemorrhages on the oral mucosa were presented - in 48% of patients, and bleeding in the sclera -in 12%.

Our results indicate significant deviations of the immune system of children, depending on the clinical course of disease and forms.

Keywords: platelet, bleeding, autoantibodies, splenectomy.

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