
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2014-16-2-74-78
Features of immunological disorders in chronic urogenital chlamydiosis

B.Ch. Sangov, D.C. Zoyirov*, D.N. Solihov, A.Sh. Mastulov, R.G. Shambezoda

Chair of Urology; Dermatovenerology Avicenna TSMU

The results of immune status test in 68 patients (study group: 42 with urethraprostatitisand26 - with urethritis) with chronic urogenital chlamydiosis (UGC) depending on involvement in the pathological process various parts of the urogenital tract (UGT) were presented.

In all patients with chronic chlamydial infection similar changes that characterized lymphopenia, suppression of cell-mediated immunity were noted(reduction of T-lymphocytes by 6,7%, T-helper and T-suppressor – 10,8%), disorders of humoral immunity (increase of B-lymphocytes and reduce of Ig class A (27,4%) and M (16,7%), as well as phagocytosis pathology (reduction percentage of phagocytosis and increase values of phagocytic index, phagocytic rate, NBT test – 54,4%).

State of local immune reactivity shows the reduction of the main factors of local immunity - INF-y (to 27,5%), slgA (by 45,5%), IgG (34,7%), IgG1 (26,9%) and IgG3 (37,5%) in prostatic secretions in compared with the control value.

Keywords: urogenital chlamydiosis, immunological reactivity, lymphocytes, T-helper cells, T-suppressor cells, INF-y, slgA, immunoglobulins M, A, G, , phagocytosis.

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