
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2014-16-2-102-105
State of the vegetativenervous systemin patients with hiv infection

N.H. Khamidov, K.R. Voronetskaya, E.R. Rakhmonov, R.A. Tursunov

Chaur of Internal Medicine № 2; Infectious diseases Avicenna TSMU

The results of a study of heart rate variability in 30 patients with HIV, clinical stage IV (WHO classification, 1991) are presented in researchSpectral parameters were evaluatedbefore prescribing antiretroviral therapy. In these patients noted the predominance of high-frequency oscillations (HF) at 53,87% as compared to healthy individuals. In assessing the sympathetic-parasympathetic balance (LF / HF) was a significant shift towards the parasympathetic system to 66,67%. These data indicate the benefit parasympathicotonia that may be one of the risk factors for sudden cardiac death.

Keywords: heart rate variability, heart rate variability, HIV infection, spectral indices.

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