
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2014-16-3-128-133
Basic prerequisite of surgical treatment obliterating atherosclerosis of infrainuinal artery associated with critical lower limb ischemia

D.I. Karpovich

Center of Minimally Invasive Technologies and Cardiovascular Surgery
Kharkiv National Medical University, Ukraine

Analysis of literature concerning obliterating diseases of lower limb arteries leading to the development of critical limb ischemia is conducted. The main pathogenesis of severe ischemic disorders are dermined and three major, closely related factors are identified: hemodynamic disorders in the magistral arteries, depression of microcirculation, impaired tissue metabolism, where the main importance is attached to disruption of oxygen utilization by the tissues.

The choice of surgical metod is reasoned, taking into account the anatomical lesions of main arteries, lesions of infrainguinal arteries, which is based on the appropriate use of plastic material and degree of trophic changes in limb tissues.

Keywords: obliterating diseases of lower limb arteries , critical limb ischemia.

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