
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2015-17-1-93-99
Influence of exam stress on the hormonal, autonomic, neurophysiological and psycho-emotional parameters of functional state of students organism

A.V. Gulin1, S.V. Shutova2

1FSBEI HPE «Lipetsk State Pedagogical University»;
2Medical Institute of Tambov State University named after GR Derzhavin, Russia

The results of a comprehensive study of hormonal, autonomic, neurophysiological and psychoemotional components of adaptive reactions of students (18-20 years, n = 319) at different stages of the semester were presented.

It is shown that cortisol concentrations remained within the physiological range atintersessional period in 50% of students, and during session only in 25%. Within 14 days after the session cor-tisol concentration was significantly decreased (normal in 66%).

Changing the parameters of heart rate variability during the session (increase in heart rate, Amo, PAPR, IN,% LF, LF / HF and reduction of Mo, BP, RMSSD,% HF, TP, TC) reflect inhibition of autonomous mechanisms of regulation, increased sympathetic effects, stress central regulatory mechanisms of cardiac activity which decreasing their energy supply. Adverse changes in certain parameters (ID, LF / HF, TP) after 14 days of he cancellation of the main stressor enhanced.

Parameters of psycho-emotional condition correspond to its deterioration during the session, but in the post-session period all studied psycho-emotional characteristics had the highest values.

Keywords: exam stress, cortisol, heart rate variability, sensorimotor reaction.

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