
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2015-17-1-141-146
Modern view at etiology, pathogenesis and prevalence of uveitis

S.A. Yuldasheva, H.J. Karim-Zade, S.M. Satorov*

Chair of Ophthalmology
*Chair of Microbiology, immunology and virology Avicenna TSMU

This review presents the clinical and epidemiological aspects of uveitis, justified certain etiological differences depending on the genetic, geographic, social and environmental factors that cause the formation of acute and chronic diseases of the choroid. The clinical significance of infectious and noninfectious factors, as well as the role of HLA-B27 antigen in the development of anterior uveitis and communication with systemic diseases is indicated.

Analyzing the data of scientific literature on etiology, pathogenetic aspects and clinical manifestations of uveitis can conclude this pathology in significant cases associated with HLA factor. At the same time, the mechanisms of inflammation in the eye in some cases still unclear.

Keywords: uveitis, HLA-B27 antigen, the immune system, an autoimmune process.

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