
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2015-17-1-67-71
Risk factors and clinical features of leukemiasin the Republic of Tajikistan

N.I. Mustafakulova, T.I. Melikova, N.S. Mustafakulova

Chair of Internal Medicine №3 Avicenna TSMU

The present study analyzed the results of a study 293 patients with various forms of leukemia (VFL).

Acute leukemias are mainly found in young and employer age (18 to 37 years), and chronic leucosis (CL) were more common in patients of middle and old age (49-78 years). From the total number of admitted with acute and CL in half of the cases of patients were from the Sughd region (49.1% and 45.1%), from the Khatlon Region and Republican Regions Subordination (RRS) hospitalized almost 2 times less (21.3% and 29.0%). The prevalence of acute and chronic forms of leukemia patients fromSughd region, possibly due to the unfavorable radiating situation in the areas.

In patients with AL in relation toCL prevailed hemorrhagic (69.2% and 37.9%), intoxication (hyperthermia - 92.3% and 30.6%; ossalgia - 50.2% and 36.2%, night sweats - 57.9% and 28.2%) and anemic (dizziness

- 92.3% and 44.3%, tachycardia - 98.8% and 47.5%, hypotension - 74.4% and 62.9%) syndrome. For patients with CL prevailed hyperplastic syndrome is almost 2 times more likely than patient with AL.

The main risk factors for the development of VFL were: male employment agricultural activities, communication with agricultural pesticides, large families, contact with chemicals, occupational radiation effects on men, hereditary abnormalities, maternal smoking during the first trimester of pregnancy

Keywords: leukemia, ossalgia, pesticides, ionizing radiation.

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