
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2015-17-3-111-116
Clinical features of hemostatic manifestations and corrective therapy for pneumonia children first year of life

K.I. Ismoilov, S.T. Davlatov, M.A. Ismoilova

Chair of childhood diseases №2 Avicenna TSMU

The results of a study of hemostasis in 65 newborns and infants with bacterial pneumonia were presented in the article. Depending on the severity of pathological process, the patients were divided into two groups. The first group consisted of 31 patients with severe currency, the second group - 34 patients with very severe course of pneumonic process.

In infants with severe and very severe course of bacterial pneumonia is revealed an imbalance in the coagulation and anticoagulation system of hemostasis. In infants first year of life with severe pneumonia almost in equal ratios is observed a tendency to hypercoagulability (43,3%), consumption coagulopathy (56,7%). While children with very severe currency of pneumonia is quite rare over the tendency to hypercoagulability (3%), in 2/3 of patients (66,7% is observedsubstantial consumption coagulopathy, and in 1/3 of patients - is noted a marked fibrinolytic activity with universal hemorrhagic syndrome.

In addition to traditional therapythe small doses of medications with anticoagulation, substitution and anti-proteasic effect at an earlier terms, balancing coagulation-anticoagulation system of blood with leveling clinical manifestations of pneumonic process was achieved.

Keywords: bacterial pneumonia, pneumonia in children.

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