
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2015-17-3-127-131
Results of opinion patient study in using various forms of organization of clinical processes in trauma and orthopedic pathology

N.F. Salimov, A.A. Razzokov

Chair of Traumatology, Orthopaedics in Military Field Surgery Avicenna TSMU

Opinion at the 1000 patients treated with traditional and new forms of the organization of medicaldiagnostic process in trauma and orthopedic pathology is studied.

The introduction of modern technologies and new mechanisms for financing research positively influenced on patients’ opinion in various issues of medical services. The proportion of dissatisfied patients among treated using optimized tactic was significantly lower compared with treated by traditional approaches. It is deal improved financial opportunities that have been used for acquisition of medical equipment and repair of medical institutions, as well as to increase salaries of medical staff, which, in its turn, has improved the motivation for quality work.

The share of informal payments for all of the items in the questionnaire after the introduction of new funding mechanisms significantly lower than with conventional approaches. In total, 10,1% of health facilities assessed very good, 20,7% - well, at 39,5% - satisfactory, 13,6% - bad, 8,5% - very bad and 7,6% - difficult to answer.

Keywords: trauma, orthopedic pathology, medical services.

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