
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2015-17-3-138-143
Surgical treatment of complicated forms of epithelial coccygeal fistula

T.N. Zubaidov, M.K. Gulov

Chair of General Surgery №1 Avicenna TSMU

The analysis of the literature devoted to surgical treatment of complicated forms of epithelial coccygeal fistula is presented.

For choice of rational treatment of complicated forms of epithelial coccygeal fistula, it is necessary to understand topography of the fistulous tract, its location related to skin, the presence of fistulous branches and purulent cavities, the location of external opening from primary focus and leaks.

Clarification of these issues in preoperative time will improve the diagnostics and make enable more differentiated approach to the choice of surgery and postoperative management in each case and will reduce the number of unsatisfactory outcomes.

Despite on existing various methods of surgical treatment complicated forms of epithelial coccygeal fistula no one does not guarantee from fistula recurrence and the formation of rough scars.

Keywords: epithelial coccygeal fistula pilonidal sinuses, fistulous tract, recurrent fistula.

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