
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2016-18-1-109-115
Recent methods of prenatal diagnostics and prevention of congenital defects of central nervous system in fetus

V.Yu. Melnikova, M.F. Dodkhoeva

Chair of Obstetrics and Gynaecology №1 Avicenna TSMU

In this review, the direct and indirect methods of prenatal diagnosis with high diagnostic value, allowing to reveal more than 60-70% of fetal malformations during pregnancy are presented.

Analyzing the data of the scientific literature, we can conclude that properly organized preconception preparing of patients, especially young women, antenatal care and proper care for

pregnant women, ultrasound and biochemical screening in early pregnancy, the timely detection of fetal abnormalities and abortion can significantly reduce the incidence of birth children with various deformities and disability from childhood.

Keywords: prenatal diagnostics, congenital malformations.

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