
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2016-18-1-40-43
Results of recovery operations of fragile skin in different areas of the body by dermolipectomy

V.M. Galandarov

Training and Surgical Clinic of the Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku

The article presents the results of dermolipectomy performed at 287 patients: the abdominal wall (n=120), the skin of the face and neck (n=75), arm (n=57) and the inner surface of the thigh (n=35). Classic dermolipectomy was carried out to 105 patients, modified operation – to 182in order to prevent extensive scarring at the surgical suture lines after restoring the natural tens in different areas of the body.

To prevent the development of rough scar tissue, the authors proposed to impose on the surgical incision bandage soaked in a solution of a corticosteroid (kenokort A), diluted 1:3 with saline. After this procedure cosmetic defects such as the differences in the thickness of tissue (18,1%) and the development of scar tissue at the suture line (7,1%), compared to the classical operation is significantly reduced. So, after the classic operation, the figures were 63,8% and 78,1%, respectively (p<0,001). Thus, the proposed modification made it possible to get the best cosmetic results.

Keywords: dermolipectomy, recovery operations.

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