
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2016-18-2-113-118
Clinical areas of improvement of the national system of medical care organization at injuries and orthopedic diseases

N.F. Salimzoda

Chair of traumatology, orthopedics and field surgery Avicenna TSMU

The results of the study the effectiveness different technologies and models of inpatient specialized traumatologic and orthopedic care, injury prevention, materials to provide pre-hospital trauma care were analyzed.

Based on the study results main clinical directions for improving the national system of medical care for injuries and orthopedic pathologies are formulated. Using of the proposed complex measures without increasing the financial costs led to an improvement of resource provision and efficiency of the diagnostic and treatment process at the national level.

Keywords: organization of medical care, injuries, traumatism prevention, structure of trauma and orthopedic pathology.

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