
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2016-18-2-131-137
Recent strategy of diagnosis and treatment of laryngeal papillomatosis in children

B.N. Shamsidinov, P.R. Mukhtorova, G.B. Gulmamadova, S.S. Shaydoev

Chair of Otorhinolaryngology SEI «Institute of Postgraduate health education of health professionals in Healthcare»

The authors have lightened the issues of recent methods in diagnosis and combined treatment of laryngeal papillomatosis in children. Diagnosis is based on anamnesis, complaints, respiratory tract endoscopy, radiological tests, determining the laryngeal voice function, cytological, morphological, histological and other investigation. The greatest preference is given for transnasal or transoralfibrolaryngoscopy that allows visualise the larynx detail, it’sinfraglotticpart, trachea and choose the appropriate treatment strategy.

Among the treatments often used endolaryngeal microsurgery with papillomas removal, which can be used at any age. Using somesurgical techniques in isolation is not effective due to high percentage of recurrence. Therefore, patients should be prescribed and carried out comprehensive treatment, including surgical technique, antivirals, immunomodulators, cytotoxic agents.

Keywords: laryngeal papillomatosis, respiratory papillomatosis, juvenile respiratory papillomatosis, endolaryngeal microsurgery.

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