
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2016-18-4-52-55

A.G. Gaibov1, M.Kh. Ganieva2, A.V. Vohidov3

1Research Institute of Preventive Medicine
2National Center for Reproductive Health
3Republican Scientific and Clinical Center for Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery

The article is based on requirement of further reinforcement events, directed at strengthening of public health, on the base of normative legal documents developed in Tajikistan, which corre-sponds with recommendations of international organizations. Following indices are brought: high level of birth rate - 25.3 per 1000 population, infant and maternal death rate - 17.9 and 33 per 1000 population, respectively. Level of education is considered to be a key factor, which determines contraceptive safety of reproductive behavior of individuals. The average age during the first delivery - 22 years, the summary coefficient of birth rate is 3.8 birth per one woman. There-fore, procreation is inherent virtually to all Tajik women. Primary infertility meets barely in less than 2.0% of cases. At the age of 45-49 years, in 54.0% of cases five and more children were born. The scope level of women population by contraceptives in 2015 was 23.9%, mainly by intrauterine device. Intergenetic interval, providing favorable outcome for the mother and fetus was 2.5-4 years. Up to the present time, abortion - up to 113.9 per 1000 live births, is used as a method of birth control. Measures to reduce reproductive losses are indicated.

Keywords: reproductive health, contraception, protection of maternity and childhood.

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