
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2012-14-1-155-160
Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of peritoneal adhesive disease

P.K. Kholmatov, Sh.K. Nazarov, B.N. Jonov, F. Komilov

In the review presents current findings on the etiology, pathogenesis and biochemistry of adhesion formation in the abdominal cavity after surgery. Study showed that the main reason for their appearance - the offset level of plasminogen activator within the damaged peritoneum. Fibrin organising occurs by the end of the first three days after traumatic agent exposure. If during this time plasminogen activity and local fibrinolysis depressed it led to adhesion. Consequently, the formation of adhesions also contribute to ischemic tissue damage of organs covered by peritoneum, which are associated with rough procedure during operations.

Keywords: peritoneal adhesive disease, acute adhesive intestinal obstruction, peritoneum, viscerovisceral adhesions, vistseroparietal adhesions.

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Ш.К. Назаров
доцент кафедры хирургических болезней №1 ТГМУ

Таджикистан, г.Душанбе, ул. Айни-1, пр. 46


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