
doi: 10.25005/2074-0581-2012-14-1-134-137
Sanitary-hygienic evaluation of students stay on the informatic’s lessons and their effect on the vision

Sh.K. Makhmadov

In this paper the hygienic assessment of the learning conditions on informatic’s lessons and their impact on the vision of students was conducted. To investigation underwent 298 students from 7th to 11th forms of study. During the lesson, students are influenced by uncomfortable microclimatic conditions, to low light level of working places, electrical and magnetic fields of video display terminals and improper placement of educational furniture. Working on computers is reducing the critical flicker fusion frequency, the deterioration of accommodation, the restriction limits the field of vision and reduction of vision.

Keywords: informatics, computer, climate, lighting, pupils, visual acuity, field of view.

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